

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Daily Events and Racial Comments

So Sofie and I went to the grocery store yesterday - the check out man was black and Sofie yelled at the top of her two year old lungs "HE'S BROWN MOMMY! HE'S BROWN AND YOU'RE PINK! YOU'RE PINK MOMMY!" Yes thank you Sofie, thank you yes that is right. Luckily they guy just laughed and gave her a cookie - but seriously! Sigh, the dangers of having an early talker :).

Yesterday we played with Nadia and Phin in the morning. I like playing with them because Nadia and Phin are also in the 10th percentile for weight :). It's nice to be around other skinny kids :). Today we went to Mommy and Me and had a great time. Sofie is really starting to enjoy the class - however she doesn't seem to really gel with the other kids. She is so outgoing and social every where else, but there, she just clings to me, I am not sure why.

We went to the cousins after that and Sofie just loves going there. She ate a taco for lunch and that is something totally new for her!

We came home, both kids napped while I made homemade Pesto and when they woke up we joined Pam and JJ and Ellie for playing in the sand. The pesto was great and Sofie actually enjoyed eating green noodles - YES! :)

Nothing exciting today but I did have an overwhelming feeling today that I just have the best, nicest, cutest most adorable kids ever. Erich isn't really around much these days because he is working so much and I was telling Carolyn I think that it would be way harder except for the fact that my kids are so good that they make it easy. :)

Sofie was so excited to take a bath with Ben, she bathed him and while I was getting everything ready for bedtime she was reading to him. She even gave him a big hug and said, I love you baby brother. He gives her the biggest smiles when she talks to him. They really love each other right now, I so pray that it stays that way and that they don't grow to dislike each other.

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