

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I think it could safely be said that my father's all time favorite holiday was April Fools. He LOVED April Fools. Many of you out there have been hit by my father's April Fool's jokes I am sure. I knew every year when April Fool's was coming - and yet every year he somehow managed to get me. Every year I would plan out my jokes weeks in advance and somehow I never was able to get him he was always ready for me.

Some all time favorites that I remember....warning to the fait of hear these my seem mean but for me and my memory they are hilarious :).

The first one I remember happened when I was about 9 or 10 years old. I received my first Cabbage Patch doll for my birthday in March. This was obviously before I knew my father's voice. He called me from work and pretended to be someone from the Cabbage Patch Factory and said that I had bought the 100th Cabbage Patch and had won a free trip to the Cabbage Patch Factory. I was SOOOOOOO excited I ran and told my mom. She told me it was an April Fools joke but I did NOT believe her. I waited for dad to get home only to get the patented John Pickens point and laugh.

In was a senior in high school. I had been accepted into University of Texas business school my junior year of high school so for my senior year I was just relaxing and having fun knowing I where I was headed next. April Fools Day (YES I KNEW IT WAS APRIL FOOLS I SHOULD HAVE BEEN PREPARED!!!!) of my senior year I received a phone call from a woman who told me that I was caught cheating on a test on camera and that I would not be graduating with my class or going to UT. I began bawling and saying "it wasn't me it wasn't me" Then I hear the woman on the other end say "John I can't do this anymore she's crying!" ARGH!

I remember some he pulled on other people too -

I remember he called my cousin Kari when her and her husband were in process of building their first house. He left a message on their answering machine and pretended that he was a fireman and said that their new house (still in process of being built) had burned down. Kari said she was sure it was my dad but she felt she had to check on it anyway and they got in the car drove by and of course it was fine. :)

He told the people at the restaurant we were at with his co workers that one of the ladies at the table stole silver wear and to check her purse. The restaurant instantly got in on the joke and harassed the poor lady!

When I finally got pregnant with my first child, Sofie it was after dad had passed. They told me my due date was April 1 and I had no choice but to take that as a sign from the beyond that everything was great! She didn't end up being born on that day but that was her original due date. She is my dads girl too - she has his sense of humor and spirit of mischief I think they would have been two peas in a pod.

Dad loved practical jokes all year round too. In the picture attached to this blog he surprised my mom with a party and the Grim Reaper on her 50th birthday.

That's all I can remember right now but I know that there are TONS more out there - feel free to add your own!


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